This week, we have become well acquainted with Australian wildlife and man, do the creatures here give the ones in the UK a run for their money.
First, meet the birds with extremely long beaks – Australia’s answer to the common Mallard. These things are very bizarre.
Then, there is my favourite species, which Martin has given the genius name of “Pigeons with attitude”!:
I’ve always thought of pigeons as flying rats but there’s something quite likable about these ones.
Magpies, Ravens and even the friendly Robin look extremely boring compared to the multi-coloured parrots that flap around all over Sydney!
A trip to the Botanical Gardens also allowed us to see Eels in the pond and Flying Foxes (massive bats) in the trees!
But now to move on to the elephant in the room – SPIDERS! I voiced by concern to many of you about my fear of encountering the notoriously large 8-legged creatures before I even left the UK and I have been on my guard ever since I set foot on Australian soil. Well, I got away scott free for 6 whole weeks, until last night when my nightmare turned into reality….
I was sitting in my creative writing class, with 15 Australians and 1 American, when someone casually pointed to the wall. I followed their finger to see the biggest spider I’ve ever seen in my whole life. We’re talking MASSIVE – hand size, with finger-length, hairy legs and a furry body. I broke out in an immediate sweat. Everyone else, bar the American who looked as terrified as me, looked completely un-phased. I have never wanted to run away so much in my life but had to remain rooted to my seat, staring at this monster who was stuck to a wall 10 metres away from me, for another 45 minutes.
I am now on permanent spider watch and trying to formulate a strategy of what the hell I do if/ when one of these terrifying creatures finds its way into our apartment!