I’ve read a few blogs and often find that entries can be long winded, self indulgent and /or written by women who wish they were called Carrie and lived in New York. But there are many benefits to writing a blog; the main and most important one is being able to let those people who care about Martin and I keep up to date with our whereabouts. The second reason is wanting to bottle just a little bit of this once in a life time, 12 month holiday.

So I’ll attempt to refrain from rabbiting on too much and keep it punchy (postcard length) instead.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Living on the wild side: part 2!

The term “wildlife” has taken on a whole new meaning this week.  Having lead a life full of yoga, peppermint tea, running and all things healthy (Gillian McKeith would have been proud) during the last 8 weeks, we fell off the band wagon spectacularly.

What was supposed to be a civilized Thursday evening listening to live acoustic music in a local bar, escalated to befriending one of the bands, drinking copious amounts of alcohol in the bar with them, further drinking in their hotel room and then a few extra drinks at another bar down the road, just to ensure we were well and truly dead and buried.

Needless to say, we experienced the hangover from hell the following day…just in time for the arrival of my good friend Helen from Nottingham and her boyfriend David, who are currently traveling around the world.  We had a brilliant day together, walking along the coast, catching up and having a few more drinks to ease the hang over.

The slower paced Friday was a strategic move to prepare us for a night of live Cuban jazz on the Saturday, which we correctly predicted involved lots more alcohol.  It was an excellent evening though, that lead to some Cubans who were sitting on the next table to us, teaching the clumsy English, who moved like robots, how to shake their stuff.

Special prizes should go to David and Martin for instigating the whole dance school movement, especially as they both hate dancing.  There was some excellent hip action going on and I’d say these two are ones to watch Cuba!

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