I’ve read a few blogs and often find that entries can be long winded, self indulgent and /or written by women who wish they were called Carrie and lived in New York. But there are many benefits to writing a blog; the main and most important one is being able to let those people who care about Martin and I keep up to date with our whereabouts. The second reason is wanting to bottle just a little bit of this once in a life time, 12 month holiday.

So I’ll attempt to refrain from rabbiting on too much and keep it punchy (postcard length) instead.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The wild wild West!

We spent our final 2 weeks in Australia traveling down the West coast. Giant rats, prison visits and camping hiccups aside, we had a great fortnight, full of first-time experiences, which included:

·      Visiting the Drive-In in Busselton – eating fish and chips in the comfort of your car, while watching a movie is amazing!
·      Having a champagne breakfast at a vineyard in Dunsborough
·      Meeting up with my lovely Mexican travel companion and coffee tasting in Margaret River
Meeting up with Daniela after 4 years = happy days!
·      Going ‘round the twist at the lighthouse in Augusta
·      Visiting Australia’s oldest whaling station in Albany (highly recommended!)
·      Walking amongst the giant tingle trees in Denmark
·      Getting drunk with the Irish in Rosie O’Grady’s in Perth
·      Climbing a mountain in the Stirling Ranges
·      Camping in Wiliams town (which is in the middle of nowhere), visiting the only pub and being served by a bar maid in her underwear!!!
Williams hotel - would love to have got a shot of the bar maid...
but didn't quite have it in me to take it!
·      Going to a quirky little Indian restaurant in Perth where you pay whatever you wish for your meal- what a great concept!
Martin tucking into his 2nd plate of curry and rice!
A not so 'enjoyable' moment was having breakfast next door to the scene of a stabbing! Little had we known when we ordered our scrambled eggs on toast that a man had been stabbed in the head, less than an hour before we arrived. By the time we got back to our car, the car park was crawling with police and TV cameras - never a dull moment in Scarborough it seems!
Scarborough, Oz is no better than Scarborough UK...

I'd love to say our 7 months in Oz ended on a high.  Sadly, on the last day I managed to reverse our hire car into a metal post, wreck the door and cause $800 worth of damage to the vehicle. Hmm.  Well, at least this is one way of getting out of doing the driving from now on...

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