I’ve read a few blogs and often find that entries can be long winded, self indulgent and /or written by women who wish they were called Carrie and lived in New York. But there are many benefits to writing a blog; the main and most important one is being able to let those people who care about Martin and I keep up to date with our whereabouts. The second reason is wanting to bottle just a little bit of this once in a life time, 12 month holiday.

So I’ll attempt to refrain from rabbiting on too much and keep it punchy (postcard length) instead.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

PART 1: The all-American Road trip

FLIGHT 1: London to San Francisco

The London to San Francisco flight made me think I'd include a few extra lyrics in the song “If you are going to San Francisco…”.  I'd also be sure to...

...fly with Virgin Atlantic, then befriend the person in the aisle seat.  Chat to them for 11 hours, drink several gin and tonics, grasp their general outlook on life, ask for suggestions about where to go in San Franscisco (which aren’t in the guide books), then take their photo so never to forget them. 

You’ll disembark the aircraft with a new friend, some excellent advice and a hang over.
Martin and our fellow flyer and drinking buddy; Shane

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