I’ve read a few blogs and often find that entries can be long winded, self indulgent and /or written by women who wish they were called Carrie and lived in New York. But there are many benefits to writing a blog; the main and most important one is being able to let those people who care about Martin and I keep up to date with our whereabouts. The second reason is wanting to bottle just a little bit of this once in a life time, 12 month holiday.

So I’ll attempt to refrain from rabbiting on too much and keep it punchy (postcard length) instead.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

PART 2: Australia. From Bay Watch to Ramsay Street

We were fortunate enough to have Martin’s brother, Andrew (who lives in Sydney), meet us at the airport.  He whisked us through the city, across Harbour Bridge and north to Castle Hill, where he lives with his wife, Diana, two kids, Megan and Dylan, a Jack Russell called Spot, and 2 Rabbits, aptly named Rabbit 1 and Rabbit 2.

After a toasted sandwich and a shower, we decided to get some fresh air. We left the house.  I felt like I’d instantly stepped out on to the Neighbours set - the suburb looked identical!

We later accompanied Diana to collect Megan (aged 6) and Dylan (aged 8) from school. I would have been completely un-phased if Diana had told me that the school was called Erinsburgh High.  It looked exactly the same. I was unsure whether to feel excited or a little un-nerved.

There are also surf clubs on every beach, milkshakes on every menu and pubs are often referred to as watering holes.

No wonder Neighbours was never as big-a-hit in Oz as in the UK; it’s just all so average over here.

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